Little Mirror is a critical archive & biannual journal of poetry dedicated to the edge of lyrical & inventive poetic thinking

Poems, like mirrors, reflect reality back at us—sometimes distorted, oblique, sometimes clear, defined, but always an extension of the real.

We are interested in poetry and poetics that siphon the written word into a reflective/refractive surface, catching light off of knowledge and recapitulating that light into image through sound and syntax.

The poem is a little mirror—a compact portal into imagined space, a landscape both in and out of time.

  • Hunter Larson


    Hunter Larson is a poet from the Midwest pursuing an MFA in poetry at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and is the winner of the Fifth Annual Brannan Prize, selected by Vi Khi Nao. You can read his work in Copenhagen, Tagvverk, Works & Days, and the Poetry Project Newsletter.

  • Allie McKean


    Allie McKean is a poet in the MFA for Poets & Writers at The University of Massachusetts-Amherst. She works for the Juniper Summer Writing Institute and teaches college composition. Her chapbook Gutter Ball (2024) is out from Distance No Object.

  • Jennifer Valdies


    Jennifer Valdies is a poet from California, currently studying at UMass Amherst’s MFA for Poets & Writers. Her work can be found or is forthcoming in Annulet: a journal of poetics, b l u s h, FENCE, and elsewhere.